Analysis 1 (MATS2101)

BSc, Physics - PHYS

Semester: First Semester

Level: 200

Year: 2018

University of Bamenda
Faculty of Science
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
First Semester Final Examination
February 2018.
Course Title: Analysis I.
Course Code : MATHS2101.
Duration: 3 hrs.
Course Instructor: Birne Markdonal G
Instructions: Answer all questions. You are reminded of the necessity for
good English and orderly presentation of your answers.
1. (a) (4 Marks) Let S ϲ . Define the following with respect to S
(i) Limit point: (ii) An interior point.
(iii) Least upper bound (iv) Greatest lower bound
(b) (3 Marks) Is it true that if a is a limit point of S then a S?
(c) (1 Mark) When is a set said to be bounded?
1. (4 Marks) Is the set S = {x
: x
< 2r} bounded above
(below)? If so, find its least upper bound (greatest lower bound).
ii. (2 Marks) Does S having
maximum element? Justify.
(d) (1 Mark) Give an example of a set with no limit points.
Total =15 Marks
2. Let
be a sequence of real numbers and a
(a) (2 Marks) What does it mean to say
converges to a?,
(b) (4 +4 + 5 Marks) Using your definition in 2a. Justify the following:
i) lim
= 2
ii) lim
= 0
iii. lim
(c) (5 Marks) Show that if lim
= and lim
then, =
Total=20 Harks