Applied Didactics and Computer Ethics (CSCT2207)

Computer Science - COS

Semester: Second Semester

Level: 200

Year: 2019

Continuous Assessment: Applied Didactics and Computer Ethics (CSCT2207, CSCT2214).
Answer all Questions:
1. The types of objectives set for any lesson must be stated at the beginning of the lesson and influence the teaching
method to be used. Write down two examples of Teacher centred objectives; two examples of Content centred
objectives, and two examples of Student centred objectives. (3mks)
2. a) Explain what you understand by instructional materials. (1mk)
b) Explain two uses of instructional materials. (2mks)
c) Name four qualities of good instructional materials. 2mks
3. Differentiate between public domain software, general public licence software, and shareware. (3mks)
4. What do you understand by software piracy? Cite three examples of software piracy practiced openly in
Cameroon. (4mks)