Biophysical Chemistry (BCHS2201)
BSc, Biochemistry - BCHS
Semester: Second Semester
Level: 200
Year: 2019
Peace Work - Fatherland P.O. BOX 39 Bambili
School/Faculty: Science Department: Biochemistry Lecturer(s):__ Prs Tume & Nantia
Course Code: __________BCHS22O1 ___ _ Course Title: Biophysical Chemistry
Date: ____ 05-07- 2019__________ Hall:________Time: 13:00- 15:00
Instructions: _____________ Answer questions in ordering manner and do not miss the questions
Questions (70 marks)
1. Define hydrogen bonding and explain their importance in biomoleeules (5 marks)
2. Justify this statement about water: Water is self-complementary (7 marks)
3. Compare the Ammonia the hydrogen bonding in ammonia and in water (8 marks)
4. Define hydrophobic effect, and give their relative importance in biomolecules as compared to hydrogen
bonding (7 marks)
5. Counterion release: definition, importance and example (8 marks)
6. Regarding biological polymers: compare polyethylene and polysaccharide (nature, monomeric unit,
linkages, stability, importance) (10 marks)
7. Explain this statement:- Self-complementarity is a universal property of biopolymers (5 marks)
8. Denaturation: definition, mode of action and consequences on DNA and protein structures (use table)
(10 marks)
9. Entropy and free energy: definition and importance in the structure and conformation of
macromolecules (10 marks)