Discourse Analysis (ENGA4202)

BA. English Language - ENG

Semester: Second Semester

Level: 400

Year: 2018

The University of Bamenda
Faculty of Arts
Course instructors: Dr Nkwetisama & Dr Atoh
Course Code:
ENGL 4202
Course Title: Discourse Analysis
Credit Value:
Duration: 3 Hours
Day: Thursday,
July 2018
Hall: HITL 03
Starting Time:
8:30 a.m.
Ending Time: 11:30 a.m.
Instructions: Attempt one test item from each section
Section A
la) What do you understand by the cooperative principle in a conversational exchange?
lb) Explain and exemplify each of the four maxims of the cooperative principle.
2a) In a conversation, we use certain types of expressions to show that we are respecting the
maxims while being co-operative participants in that conversation
A) How do we call these expressions?
B) Give ten different examples of such expressions in meaningful sentences.
2b) What are speech acts? List fifteen speech acts and give two examples of each.
Section B
1 What make the differences between adjacency pairs and turn-taking as far as
spoken discourse is concerned?
2 How do the terms: presupposition, implicature, scripts, schemata and
inference be treated as pragmatics concepts in the analysis of discourse, to indicate
relationships between discourse participants and elements in the discourse