BSc, Applied Botany - BOTS
Semester: Second Semester
Level: 400
Year: 2019
Peace-Work-Fatherland P. O. BOX 39 Bambili
School/Faculty: _SCIENCE_ Department:Biological Sciences Lecturer(s): Dr Nouck/Dr
Tacham Course Code: _BOTS4210___Course Title: Economy botany
Date: 4
JULY, 2019_______Halls: PBA 08 ________Time: 10:30-12:30
Instructions: Answer the questions chronologically and with very short and simple sentences
Section A: 35 Marks
1) During the seminar organized by Pacome and Uriel two experts in plant propagation, the
farmers were submitted for training about grafting practical and the following questions were
asked to them. (15 marks)
i. Materials and the role of each in grafting; (2 +
2 + = 4 marks)
ii. Characteristics of a scion and a rootstock; (1+ 1 =2 marks)
iii. Causes of failure in grafting and precautions: (1 + 1 = 2 marks)
iv. Case study: Grafting on mango plant. (7 marks)
2) list and explain the different:
i) Weed control methods (10 marks)
ii) Competition between crops and weeds (l0 marks)
Section B: 35 Marks
1. Economic botany is considered a multidisciplinary field of study. Why? 5 marks
2. Briefly discuss why in Cameroon some crops are grown only in specific regions of the
country 10 marks
3. List the different planting materials used in banana propagation. 2.5 marks
4. Oil palm production is a tedious venture. Chronologically describe the different processes
involved in its production. 5 marks
5. The use of plants for since time immemorial man has utilized plants for health care
a) What is a medicinal plant? 1 mark
b) Stale the advantages of traditional medicine over modern medicine. 5 marks
c) Which group of chemical constituents characterizes the plants of the Compositae? 1 mark
d) List 5 plants of the above family and state their local medicinal use. 5 marks
e) What is the name given to the antihypertensive compound found in Rauvolfia vomitoria?
0.5 murk