Electrostatics and Electrokinetics [CA] (FSCT2103)
Computer Science - COS
Semester: First Semester
Level: 200
Year: 2013
University of Bamenda- Higher Technical Teachers Training Collcge (H.T.T.T.C-)
Continuous Assessment of ELECTROKINETICS —June 2013 Time
: 2h
Examiner: Dr. Mrs. Tagne-Motchongom
Exercise 1 (5mks)
What are the differences between an ammeter and a voltmeter in an electric circuit?
What is a multimeter?
State the Thevenin’s theorem.
State the Norton’s theorem.
Exercise 2 (7 mks)
1- For the circuit shown in Figure 1, the total power dissipated is 2.5 kW. Calculate:
(a) -the equivalent circuit resistance R
(b) -the value of resistor Rx
(c) -the current flowing in each of the four resistors.
Exercise 3 (8 mks)
1-For the bridge network shown in Figure 2, determine the currents in each of the
resistors by applying Kirchhoffs laws.
2. a) - Find the unknown currents marked in Figure 3(a).
(b) - Determine the value of e.m.f. E in Figure 3(b).
Exercise 4 ( 10 mks)
1- Find the Thevenin equivalent circuit connected to the left of the load resistor R
shown in Figure 4.
2- Find also the Norton equivalent circuit.