Geometrical and Waves Optics (PHYS2203)

BSc, Physics - PHYS

Semester: Second Semester

Level: 200

Year: 2017

Peace-Work-Fatherland P.O BOX 39 Bambili
School/Faculty:__Science_______Department: _Physics_______Lecturer(s): Dr. Zambo__
Course Code:_PHYS2203_Course Title: Geometric and Wave Optics___Date: 31/07/2017__
Hall: ____Time: 14:30-17:30
Instructions: Answer clearly all questions. Put in box the final result
Exercise 1 (15 marks)
We consider a centered system assimilated as a sphere of apex E, radius = 4.5  and
index = 1.5. the system is surrounded at the left by the water with index
= 1.33, and the right
by the air.
Exercise 2 (5 marks)
A spherical mirror has a focal length of 15.0 cm. construct a ray diagram of the image for an
object distance of:
a) 25.0 cm. b) 15 cm c) 10cm.
Exercise 3 (5 marks)
A person (of height equal to 1.85) has the eyes 15 cm below than the hair. This person is
in front of the mirror and this mirror helps him to see all his body (from hair to feet).
1- Determine the height of the mirror. (2 marks)
2- What is the distance between the mirror and the floor? (3 marks)
Exercise 4 (10 marks)
Determine the position, of the image given by a convergent lens when the position of the
object varies between −∞ and +∞ on the axis of the lens.