Highway Code (GSDR2216)

Higher Institute of Transport and Logistics (HITL)

Semester: Second Semester

Level: 200

Year: 2018

School/Faculty: HITL DEPARTMENT: General Studies LECTURER(S): Mr Awah Joseph
Level: 200 SEMESTER: Second Academic Year: 2017/2018
DATE: 21/07/2018 HALL: Amphi 300 TIME: 2hrs (8 – 10)
Instructions: Answer all questions.
P.O BOX 39 Bambili
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SECTION: A (25 marks)
1. At the other end of a one way street which sign is found there
A) One way sign
B) No entry sign
C) Two way traffic sign
2. The advanced marking of a dangerous place on the road is:
A) The median strip
B) Pre-signaling
C) Signaling by lane
3. Which of the following offences can lead to the withdrawal of a driver’s license?
A) Driver without a corresponding license
B) Using a phone while driving
C) Intentional use of fake number plate
4. The two way traffic sign is a positional signs
A) Yes
B) No
C) It does not exist
5. Traffic rules that apply in an agglomerated area equally apply in a locality
A) True
B) False
6. The maximum speed limit for vehicles less than 3.5 tons out in open country is:
A) 90 km/h
B) 110 km/h
C) 130 km/h
7. According to traffic rules the first person to arrive the scene of an accident has to:
A) Alert, Protect and Assist
B) Assist, Alert and Protect
C) Protect, Alert and Assist
8. The affect line is a solid line found at:
A) Give way signs
B) Traffic light signals
C) No u-turn
9. The periodicity for the technical inspection of a utility vehicle is:
A) Every 12 months
B) Every 6 months
C) Every 3 months
10. Parking authorized or prohibited on both sides of the road is:
A) Bilateral parking
B) Unilateral parking
C) Bi-monthly unilateral parking
11. Traffic police injunctions take precedence over light signals and other road signs:
A) True
B) False
C) Only at night
12. A driver who is being overtaken should:
A) Reduce his speed to give way
B) Maintain his speed and pull slightly to the right
C) Stop and give way
13. The general rule observed at a bend [R.A.S in French] is:
A) Downshift, assist, keep close to the right
B) Slow down, warn, keep close to the right.
14. The edge line on the left side of one carriageway of a motor way has what dimensions?
A) 38m of line and 14m of empty space
B) 3.0m of line and 3.5m of empty space
C) None of the above
15. The security distance is the distance that at a given speed a vehicle can cover at least in:
A) 3 seconds
B) 2 seconds
C) I second
16. For how long should a new truck be used before carrying out a technical inspection to
obtain a road worthiness certificate?
A) 1 year
B) 3 years
C) 2 years
17. The maximum weight for a combination of vehicles shall not exceed:
A) 30 tons
B) 50 tons
C) 40 tons
18. What is the maximum weight load for a vehicle with two simple axles:
A) 27 tons
B) 21 tons
C) 40 tons
19. An unauthorized crossing of a rain barrier can lead to:
A) Suspension of the driver’s driving license
B) Withdrawal of the driver’s driving license
C) Seizure of the driver’s driving license
20. Fourth class traffic offences with a fine of 25000FRS concern:
A) Signaling and lighting equipment in vehicles
B) The non respect of the rules of circulation
C) Non respect of rules relative to convoys
21. When I see a sign while crossing a bridge which indicates that I give way to the vehicle
coming from the opposite direction, the other driver will see:
A) An indication sign giving him priority
B) A prohibition sign
C) A no entry sign
22. What is the meaning of a flashing yellow light at an intersection?
A) Obligation to yield right of way
B) Slow down or surveillance
C) Compulsory stop
23. Preventive driving in summary is:
A) Taking into consideration the possible errors of other road users
B) Adapting to driving in the city after driving on the highway
C) Take advantage of your right of way at intersections.
24. When pedestrians use the carriageway and expect this compromises their safety, they
must walk:
A) In the direction of movement of vehicles
B) On the median strip
C) Facing the on coming traffic
25. When a public transport bus meets another vehicle on a narrow passage town where by
passing is difficult, which vehicle gives way:
A) The bus
B) The other vehicle
C) The vehicle easy to manipulate
1) Enumerate the conditions to be fulfilled before a vehicle overtakes another one on
the highway. (5 marks)
2) List traffic offenses that can lead to the impoundment of a vehicle (5 marks)
3) Describe types of parking (5 marks)
4) Explain why the safety distance should increase with an increase in speed. (5 marks)
5) When can a driving license be suspended? (5 marks)
6) What do you understand by the following:
A- Reaction time (3 marks)
B- Braking distance (3 marks)
C- Stopping distance (3 marks)
D- Reaction distance (3 marks)
E- Safety Distance (3 marks)
7) Give the description of a motorway (5 marks)