Hydrology and Water Resources (GPLA3205)

BA. Geography and Planning - GP

Semester: Second Semester

Level: 300

Year: 2017

GEOG 1105: Hydrology CA
1) ……………………….....drives the water cycle.
2) …………………………..takes vapor up into the atmosphere where cooler temperatures causes it to condense.
3) Cloud particles......................................and………………………. ............ out of the sky as precipitation
4) Water is a chemical compound obtained from the fusion of ................... ….and …………………………………
5) ………………………………..is central to the science of hydrology.
6) Condensation depends on ........... .......................................................... and……………………………………..
7) The state of water that is solid with an approximate size of 2mm to 5mm is ……………………………………
8) What is rime?..........................................................................................................................................................
9) ……………………………... is the most important input into the water cycle.
10) …………………………………. and ……………………… are theories of precipitation
11) Cyclonic uplift is common in………………………………………………………….. Regions
12) Why is it that precipitation and condensation do not take place at the same time?................................................
13) Why is evaporation important? …………………………………………………………………………………..
14) ……………………….... .is the theoretical maximum loss assuming a continuous supply of water to the surface
and to vegetation.
15) The difference between the amount of moisture in the air and the amount on surface is termed……………………
16) The time rain drops on the ground and the time its flowing in the stream is important because
17) …………………………. and ………………………….governs the process of overflow
18) Define infiltration rate. ……………………………………………………………………………………………...
19) Differentiate between field capacity and infiltration capacity.
20) The proportion of water that is stored on leaves and evaporated back to the atmosphere is termed……………….
21) That which forms a thin layer around hygroscopic water and has a lower suction force is termed ........................ ...
22) What is soil moisture budget………………………………………………………………………………………..
23) The changes and quantity of soil moisture are attributed to
…………………………………and…………………………. factors
24) State the soil moisture budget equation and define the variables………………………………………………….
25) Distinguish between infiltration and percolation ……………………………………………………….................
26) Soils keep water in ........... …………………………….. and .........................................................................ways
............................................... .ways
27) The proportion of precipitation that is not intercepted at all but reaches surface directly is termed …………………..
28) Overland flow is divided into …………………………………… and ……………………………………
29) Frontogenesis is referred to as an………………………………
30) Increasing temperature..................................................................................Solubility