Introduction to Archaeological Methods and Research (HARA2107)
BA. History and Archeology - HA
Semester: First Semester
Level: 200
Year: 2016
End of 1
Semester Examination
Course code: HIST 201
Course Title: Introduction to Archaeological Methods and Research
Time: 3Hrs Date: Hall:
Instructors: Prof Talla/Yakam
Answer any two questions. Good English and orderly presentation of facts is indispensable
1) Define excavation and with aid of figures, discuss the various methods available to an
archaeologist during excavation.
2) Briefly outline the procedure to be followed by an archaeologist during field research.
3) Define an archaeological site and discuss five ways through which archaeological sites are
4) Write short notes on the following:
a- Ethnography
b- Carbon 14 dating method
c- Tree-ring
d- Early Stone Age
e- Anthropology