Introduction to Physical Geography (GPLA2101)
BA. Geography and Planning - GP
Semester: Resit
Level: 200
Year: 2016
De p art ment o f G e ogra phy and P lan ning
Lev el 20 0 : R e -s i t Se mest e r. 2 016 - 201 6 D urat ion: 3 Ho ur s
Cre dits: 6 c r ed i t s
Course: I n t r o duc t i o n t o Physical Geography Code: GEOP 201 Lecturer(s): Mr. Ekouh & Prof. Fogwe
Inst r uct ion s: Attempt all questions using concise answers in your answer booklets. Respect the question order and write clearly
Sec tion I: F unda ment al p roce sses
1. State, four differences between Oceanic Crust and Continental Crusts (5 marks)
2. What makes zones of plate convergence be termed as "Destructive Margins”? (5 marks)
3. Apart of greenhouse role, give one function each of Ozone and Carbon dioxide gases. (5 marks)
4. What two physical factors account for the shape of global temperature graph below (5 marks)
5. How does any heal transfer mechanism maintain a horizontal thermal balance on Earth
6. Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follow.
a) Name of the segment “T”
b) What feature is formed at "M”
c) What takes place at “Z”
d; Intense tectonic activities take place where?
c) What explains the energy that moves the plates?
7. State two measures taken by the Government of Cameroon to reduce the occurrence of volcanic hazards in Cameroon
Section II: fundamental concepts
1. What makes our plant t to be a self-contained system? (2 marks)
2. State three primary activities of geography about the Earth. (6 marks)
3. What makes geography distinct from other related disciplines? (2 marks)
4. What branch of physical geography is “Changing short-term weather data…conditions on human activities and the environment" (2 marks)
5. The system in which features are identified in relation to themselves m geography is? (2 marks)
6. In Geography and Planning, a distribution system that if neither dense nor sparse but could be regular or random, clustered together or widely
spread is called (2 marks)
7. The following are physical geography steps in scientific research: Making an observation that requires an explanation restating the observation
as a hypothesis: determining a technique for testing the hypothesis and collecting necessary data, applying the technique to test the validity of the
hypothesis. Which of them depends on the personal opinion of the physical geographer? (2 marks)
8. Which earth system is located below the atmosphere and lithosphere? (2 marks)
9. Draw a well annotated diagram of (2 marks)