Introduction to Sociology and Development (GSDR2105)

Higher Institute of Transport and Logistics (HITL)

Semester: First Semester

Level: 200

Year: 2018

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School/ Faculty: HITL Department: General Studies
Lecturer(s): Dr Nantchouang D.
Level: 200 Semester: First Academic Year: 2017/2018
Course Code: TLGS 1103 Course Title: Introd to Sociology & Development Hall: HITL 01 &02
Date: 22/03/2018 Duration: 2 hours Time: 12:00-2:00
Instruction(s): Answer all Questions
1. It is any distinction, exclusion or restriction made on the basis of socially constructed sexual roles and
norms which prevents a person from enjoying full human right
A: Positive discrimination. B: Sexual inequalities. C: Feminist equalities. D: Gender inequalities.
E: Inequalities.
2. The term Logos in the etymological origin of Sociology means:
A: Approach. B: Companion. C: Humankind D: Science. E: Human.
3. For a sociologist, the functional interdependence is necessary to define a:
A: Developed country. B: Community. C: Underdeveloped. D: Society: country. E: Third world
4. The debunking tendency in sociology implies that in any explanation of social behaviour, one needs
to reach the :
A: Official. B: Truth. C: Social action. D: Officious. E: Social fact
5. The following are indicators of development, except:
A: Human Capabilities. B: Per capita income. C: Human Development. D: Gender poverty
index. E: Gender development index.
6. Talking about the place of sociology in our life, he wrote that: “The
excitement of sociology lies in the fact that its perspective makes ns see in a new light the very world in
which we have lived all our lives'”.
A: E. Durkheim. B: Auguste Comte. C: Talcott Parsons. D: Max Weber. E: None of them.
7. For these scientists, development has consisted of ‘bad’ changes and ‘bad’ outcomes through the
imposition of Western ethnocentric notions of development upon the Third World:
A: Evolutionists. B: Modernization. C: Pre-modernists. D: Marxists. E: None of the above.
8. Which of the following developmental theorist used the “world System” assumption to explain the
A: Talcott Parsons. B: Samir Amin. C: Karl Marx. D: john Keynes. E: Immanuel Wallerstein
9. One of the following is prominent in the characteristics of a dependent development:
A: Consumption of local products. B: Importation of raw material. C: Industrialization. D:
Reliance on internal expertise. E: Exportation of raw material.
10. Development was put in place as a programme directed towards countries of:
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A: The zero world. B: The Second world. C: The First world. D: The fourth world. E: The
Third world.
11. The world system theory identifies three levels of interaction amongst countries. Poor countries are
part of the:
A: Periphery. B: Centre. C: Semi-periphery. D: Core. E: None of the above.
12. Enhancing cultural competence requires the assessment of an individual’s level of development and
needed skills.
A: True. B: False. C: It depends. D: Absolutely false. E: None.
13. Sociology is an academic discipline of the :
A: Behavioural sciences. B: Nature science. C: Exact science. D: Biological science. E: Sociology.
14. The following are specializations in Sociology, except:
A: Customs. B: Rural. C: Urban. D: Family. E: Industrial
15. The study of the interactions between society and development is
known as:
A: Sociology of development. B: Sociology of poverty. C: Sociology of wealth. D: Sociology in
development. E: Anthroposociology.
16. Because culture emerges in the complex interactions of human behaviour, it is said to be:
A: Dynamic. B: Eventual. C: Emergent. D: Structural. E:Forensic.
17. It suggests that the transport and logistician should understand his/her own world views and those of
the client, while avoiding stereotyping and misapplication of scientific knowledge:
A: Cultural competence. B: Cultural awareness. C: Social awareness. D: Proficiency.
18. The positive approach given to Sociology by founding father implies a focus on:
A: Empirical phenomena. B: Subjectivity. C: Social facts. D: Social actions. E:Social
19. He wrote the most prominent classical book in Sociology entitled “The rules of sociological
A: Emile Durkheim. B: Karl Marx. C: Auguste Comte. D: Talcott Parsons. E: Max Weber.
20. Among the following authors, one is a Sociologist?
A: Auguste Comte. B: Malinowski. C: Turner D: Marx Weber. E:Tylor.
21. The complementarity within disciplines in the analysis of realities is known as:
A: Intradisciplinarity. B: Globality. C: Interdisciplinarity. D: None of these.
22. His classical research in sociology is characterized as comprehensive:
A: Davis Reisinan. B: None of these. C: Max Weber. D: Emil Durkheim. E:Talcott Parsons.
23. It is defined as any capability, behaviour or aptitude which is not natural to human beings:
A: Value. BiEthnic group. C: Culture. D: Ritual. E: Subculture.
24. The idea that society pre-exists to human beings was suggested by :
A: Emilie Durkheim. B: EmiI Durkheim. C: Emile Durkheim. D: Talcott Parsons. E: Max
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25. Among the following authors, one is the founding father of sociology:
A: Talcott Parsons. B: Emile Durkheim. C: Auguste Comte. D: Karl Marx. E: Max Weber
26. One of the following contributed to the anxiety of the founding fathers of sociology?
A: Markets. B: Political cohesion. C: Intellectual revolution. D: Anger. E: Curiosity.
27. Sociology is an exact science which study human beings as stones :
A: Absolutely. B: True. C: False. D: Impossible. E: Possible.
28. Sociology was used for the first time in which century?
29. It is a theoretical approach which focuses on how inequalities between social classes and countries
affect their level of development:
A: Social exchange. B: Cognitive. C: Marxist. D: Functionalism. E: Interactionism
30. One of the following is essential in working on an institution’s ability to become more culturally
A: Xenophobia. B: Ethnocentrism. C: Valuing diversity. D: Being vindicative. E: None.
31. Cultural competency is observable through the following, except:
A: Cultural awareness. B: Cultural sensitivity. C: Cultural discrimination. D: Cultural
responsiveness. E: Cultural proficiency
32. Sociology’s main focus is on:
A: Dialogue. B: Structures. C: Interactions. D: Socialization. E: Wealth.
33. It is the basic cell of the society:
A: State. B: School. C: Family. D: Food. E: Enterprise
34. The need for sociological imagination in analysing social facts is theorized by:
A: Auguste Comte. B: Max Weber. C: Wright Mills. D: Talcott Parsons. E: Emile
35. The stand behind the sociological imagination lay on the need to discover in any sociological
journey the:
A: Official. B: Officials. C: Biography. D: Empirical. E: None.
36. In its classical roots, sociology is :
A: Dogmatic and constructive. B: Explicative and comprehensive. C: Normative and
ideological. D: Philosophical and pragmatic. E: None.
37. A deviant can play positive functions in the society
A: Eventually. B: True. C: Possible. D: False. E: None of these.
38. One of the following is not a stage of economic growth developed by Rostow:
A: Preconditions for take-off. B: Fast consumption. C: Take off. D: Drive to maturity.
E: Traditional society
39. It is the application of social theory and analysis to societies (Usually in the third world) which are
undergoing a late transition to capitalist industrialization………………………………………..
40. Total concept covering the planning and organizing of the supply and movement of
Materials/goods, etc from original source through stages of production, assembly, packing, storage,
handling and distribution to final consumer ..................................................................................
41. It is defined as “Any way of acting, whether fixed or not, capable of exerting over the
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individual an external constraint” .............. .. ......................................................................
42. It is known as the decline of norms and values due to the atomization of the
society ............................................
For this school of thought, Instead of the kingdom of abundance promised by theorists and
politicians in the 1950s, the discourse and strategy of development produced its opposite: massive
underdevelopment and impoverishment, untold exploitation and oppression ..............................