Invertebrate Zoology (ZOOS2101)

Biological Science - BS

Semester: First Semester

Level: 200

Year: 2017

Student’s name …………………………………………………………………….
Matricule…………………...... Degree program…………………………………….
The university of Bamenda Course: Invertebrate Zoology
Faculty of Science Code: (ZOOS2101)
Department of Biological Sciences Academic Year: 2017-2018
First semester CA 24 Jan. 2018
Part 1 (10 marks) Answer True or False and justify if False
1- In the Prokaryotes, the membrane-enclosed organelles and nucleus are absent by a linear chromosome present
The green algae belong to the phylum Protista…….…….justify……………………………
2- The taxonomy hierarchy is: Phylum, Kingdom, Order, Class, Family, Genus and Species...
3- Eubacteria can perform chlorophyll-based photosynthesis while the Archaea cannot………
4- In the Phylum Apicomplexa, the Kinetoplast, from which the name of the phylum is concentration of mitochondrial
DNA ………………justify……………………………………
5- Heterotrophic protists may be saprozoic (taking dissolved organics) or holozoic (taking solid particles)
……………. Justify…………………………………………………………….
6- Anisogamy is a type of asexual reproduction where the gametes are dissimilar in size and shape
7- The union of gametes in Plasmodium is called isogamy and the resultant form is known as oocyst ………
8- The most common mode of ingestion in Rhizopoda is through cytostome………….
9- Contractile vacuoles in Ciliates play the function of excretion and reproduction……………….
10- The immediate host is where the sexual reproduction of a parasite occurs ….. justify