Language Acquisition Theories (ENGA4109)

BA. English Language - ENG

Semester: First Semester

Level: 400

Year: 2018

University of Bamenda
Faculty of Arts
Department: ENGLISH Course Instructors: Dr Atoh/ Dr Wandji
Course Code: ENGA 4109 Course Title: Language Acquisition Theories
Credit Value: 6 Duration: 3hrs
Day: 22/2/18 Hall: PBA—04
Starting Time: 8:00 Ending Time: 11:00
Instruction: Answer all the questions
1) How useful is the nature theory in a child's language acquisition? (20mks)
2) Using any theory of your choice, discuss how language can be acquired by an
adult. (15mks)
1) Discuss the factors that impede comprehension and production in SLA (20mks)
2) Writes short notes on 4 of the following concepts in SLA (15mks)
i) Input and Discourse
ii) Imitation and Practice
iii) Acquisition and Learning
iv) Interlanguage and interference
v) Innateness and Universals