Leadership and Project Management (GSDR3103)

Higher Institute of Transport and Logistics (HITL)

Semester: First Semester

Level: 300

Year: 2019

Peace-Work-Fatherland P. O Box 39 Bambili
School/Faculty: HITL Department: General Studies Lecturer(s): Prof Njimanted
Level: 300 Semester: First Academic Year: 2018/2019
Course Code: TLG 53105 Course Title: Leadership and Project Management
Date: /03/2019 Hall: Time: 2hrs
Instructions: Answer any three questions but question five is compulsory
Question one 20marks
a) State and examine any five (5) types of leadership style and justify which of them is
highly needed for effective and efficient project management.
b) A realistic project is said to have four phases also known as project life cycle. With the aid
of a clear example of a project show that such project can be truly evaluated as a complete
project when it has undergone these cyclical transformations.
Question two 20marks
a) Comprehensively examine with suitable illustrations and examples the role of project
managers, project teams and stakeholders in the success of any project of your choice given
the fact that upon graduation you will be an investor.
Project communication, project evaluation and project planning are highly needed for the
survival of a project, discuss.
Question five 30marks
a. What specific formal communication processes would you evaluate when, analyzing
communication effectiveness in an organization and why?
b. List any five communication issues that The University Bamenda should be concerned
c. How would you improve Communication effectiveness as a component of project
c) Write note on the following: (i) Barriers to communication; (ii) Informal
communication; (iii) Vertical and Horizontal communications
Question four 20marks
a) Comprehensively define the following terms used in project management
i. Project
ii. Activities
iii. Event
iv. Network
v. Critical path
vi. Critical activity
b) What is the minimum information any PERT/CPM program provides management?
c) List any three characteristics of project management, which distinguished it from
production management.