Electrical and Electronic Engineering - EEE
Semester: First Semester
Level: 300
Year: 2018
Peace-Work-Fatherland P.O.BOX 39, Bambili
School: COLTECH Department: Computer Engineering & Electrical Engineering
Lecturer: SP TCHASSO Course code: Course Title: Microprocessor and Microcontrollers
Option: ALL Level: Year 2 Date: July/2018 Time: 2-Hour
Instructions: i) Answer all Questions ii) Write with the instructions set sheet
maximum ofL a- 3.7V (p 5V
Exercise 1: Multiple Choice Questions
1- A microcontroller is:
a- Part of a microcomputer
b- A microcomputer built in a chip
c- A microprocessor
d- Part of a microprocessor
2- Microcontrollers are:
a- Slower than microprocessors
b- Faster than microprocessors
c- Equal speed with microprocessors
d- None of the above
3- The central processing unit of a microcontroller
a- A microprocessor
b- A microcomputer
c- A RAM
d- A flip-flop
4- PIC16F84 has:
a- 12 input/output pins
b- 8 input/output pins
c- 10 input/output pins
d- 13 input/output pins
5- PIC microcontrollers use:
a- Computer architecture
b- Von-Neumann architecture
6- RISC stands for:
a- Reduced Instruction Set Counter
b- Reduced Instruction Set Computing
c- Reduced Instruction Set Computer
d- Reduced Instruction Set Circuit
7- The PROTON compiler for microcontrollers
a- The C language
b- The BASIC language
c- The assembly language
d- The PASCAL language
8- A P1C16F84A can be supplied up to
a- 3.7V b- 5V c- 7.5V d- 10V
9- PIC16F84 has:
a- 36 bytes of RAM
b- 64 bytes of RAM
c- 128 bytes of RAM
d- d- 256 bytes of RAM
10- The internal EEPROM of PIC16F84 is:
a- 36 bytes
b- 64 bytes
c- 84 bytes
d- d- 128 bytes
11- PIC16F84 has:
a- 84 pins
b- 40 pins
c- 16 pins
d- 18 pins
12- To use the even pins of PORTB of 16F84A as
output, then
a- TRISB=0hl25;
b- TRISB=0x55;
c- c- TRISB=0b01010101;
d- All the above
c- Integrated circuit
13- The extension of the file uploaded in the PIC is:
a- .C b- .hex c- .exe d- .obj
14- PIC stands for
a- Programmable integrated circuit
b- b- Programmable integrated component
c- Programmable integrated controller
d- Programmable interface controller
15- The 7805 integrated circuit is:
a- A 5 V regulator
b- b- A -5V regulator
c- A 78V regulator
d- A -78V regulator
16- A PIC16F84A is a:
a- Base line microcontroller
b- Midrange microcontroller
d- High end microcontroller
e- d- None of the above
17- The actual PICs have a maximum of:
a- 18 pins b- 28 pins c- 40 pins 80 pins
18- The very first microprocessor was a
microprocessor of
a- Kbits b- 4 bits c- 16 bits d- 2bits
19- The role of the program counter register is to
a- Store the address of the actual instruction
b- Store the address of the previous instruction
c- Store the address of the next instruction
d- Count the number of instructions
20- The 6502 microprocessor is an
a- 32 bits microprocessor
b- 16 bits microprocessor
c- 8 bits microprocessor
d- 4 bits microprocessor
21- The ALU of the microprocessor is made up of
a- Combinatory logic circuits
b- Sequential logic circuits
c- Microprocessor circuits
d- Microcontroller circuits
22- The power supply of a microprocessor is:
a- 10V b- 7.5 c-5V d-3
Exercise 2
1- Briefly explain the operations carried out on the figure below
2- Name 03 internal modules of the PIC16F84A and give their role
3- Draw the internal block diagram of the PIC16F84
4- Write a MikroC program that blink all the LEDS on PORTB if pin RAO is at logic l
5- Draw the flow chart of a microprocessor program that compares two numbers stored in memory locations 41
and 42, and stores the larger in memory location 43
6- Write the program that correspond to question 5 for the 6502 microprocessor