Organizational Communication (CADA2202)

BA. Communication and Development Studies - CDS

Semester: Second Semester

Level: 200

Year: 2019

Faculty of Arts
Department of Communication and Development Studies
Instructors: Prof Cheo Victor/Bamnjo Herman
Course title: Organizational Communication
Credit value: 6
Duration: 2 Hours
Instructions: Answer any two questions
1) (a) As a boss of an organization, you are compelled by circumstances to chair an
important meeting on a new product,Savon Ozil which your company has launch in the
market. Based on your knowledge of organizational communication, list and explain the
process of planning a talk in public speaking. (25 Marks)
(b) write a talk on the product to be presented in the meeting above (10 Marks)
2) (a)Define organizational communication (5marks)
(b) Examen the advantages and disadvantages of Horizontal flow of information in an
organization (25 marks)
(c) outline the various channels of effective organizational communication (5marks)
3) (a) Examines the various forms of organizational communication (25 marks)
(b)what reasons account for a crisis situation in an organization (10 marks)
4) Discus a recommended approach to corporate communication in an organization (35marks)
Good Luck