Population Geography (GPLA2202)
BA. Geography and Planning - GP
Semester: Second Semester
Level: 200
Year: 2016
Peace - Work - Fatherland P.O. BOX 39 Bambili
S c h o o l : A R T S D e p a r t m e n t : GEOGRAPHY AND PLANNING
L e c t u r e r ( s ) : P r o f F O G W E & D R . M B A N G A
C o u r s e C o d e : G E O P 2 0 4 C o u r s e T i t l e : P o p u l a t i o n G e o g r a p h y
D a t e : W e d n e s d a y 1 3 / 0 7 / 2 0 1 6 H a l l : 1 8 , 1 9 C C A S T T i m e : 1 4 : 0 0 – 1 7 : 0 0
E x a m i n a t i o n I n s t r u c t i o n s ( s ) : A t t e m p t a l l Q u e s t i o n s
Course and fieldwork: select the most correct answer from the alternatives given
1. The third stage of the demographic cycle is represented: A: Declining birth rate; declining death rate B: High birth rate; declining
death rate C: High birth rate; high death rate D: Low birth rate; low death rate
country with a population of 500.000 and 10,000 live birth would have a crude birth rate of; A. 15 B. 20 C: 35 D: 40
3. Annual rate of natural increase classified as being low (0.9 percent or less) are represented throughout which continent? A: Africa B: Asia
C: Europe D: South America
4. A country with a crude birth rate of 44 and a crude death of 11 would have a rate of natural increase of: A: 4 B: 22 C: 33 D: 55
5. Populations which do not receive daily caloric requirement arc found
A: Between 40° and 60° North latitude B: In Europe C: In North America D: South of the equator
6. Confirmed high birth rates and rapidly declining death rates describe which stage of the demographic cycle? A: Stage 1 B:
Stage 2 C: Stages 3 D: Stage 4
7. On a worldwide basis, population grows when; A: Birth exceeds death B: Birth exceed migration C: Deaths exceeds births
D: Migration exceeds births
8. Overpopulation is equated in areas: A: In the first stage of the demographic cycle with high fertility rate B: Of high birth rates C: Of
unbalanced fertility rates and dependency ratios D: With a continuing imbalance between the number of people and carrying capacity
of the land
9. What total fertility rate would be required just to replace the world’s existing population? A: 1.0 B: 2.1 C: 3.7 D: 5.8
10. Currently, the world’s population is approximately how many billions? A: 3.3 B: 5.8 C: 9.2 D: 1 1.6
11. Presently, the highest rates of natural increase in population arc found in which part of the world?
A: Africa B: Asia C. Europe D; South America
12. If present trend continue, in the 1990s, Europe’s population will begin to: A. Achieve zero population growth B: Decrease
C: Enter into the fourth stage of the demographic cycle D: Increase
13. More developed countries differ from less developed countries because-they have; A: Higher rates of natural increase
B: Higher rates of physiological density C: Lower birth rates D: Shorter doubling times
14. The majority of the world's population growth is occurring in nations now considered as:
A Highly agricultural B: Highly industrialized C: Less developed D: More developed
15. Reduction in the death rate can be attributed to:- A: Increases in the birth rate B: Increases in the fertility rate C: Discovery of
antibiotics and vaccinations D: The discovery of isolated rural areas of developed countries
16. Birth and death rates are described as “crude” because: A: The total number of births and deaths can never be calculated accurately
B: Its relates to the changes without any regards the age and sex composition of the population C: The infant mortality rate is
separate from the birth and death calculations D: There is no world-wide standard of what constitutes a birth or a death
17. The single greatest health disparity between developed and developing nation is that: A: Birth rate B: Infant mortality rate
C: Maternal mortality rate D: Death rate
I- Population projections are: A: Suitable for predictions B: Based or. assumptions for the future applied to current data C:
Used for
Structural Questions
19. Draw a large fully annotated diagram of the Demographic Transition Model (3mks)
20. Explain in not more than five lines, each of the following
a) Crises driven fertility reduction (3 mks)
b) Malthusian dictum that the poor were “victims of their own passion” (3 mnks)
c) Population: The ultimate r resource (3 mnks)
21. Cite and explain any five contraceptive population planning methods (5 mnks)
assessing crude death rate D: Used only for countries which rive annual censuses
Section II: ESSAYS
Identify five factors of population distribution and explain why they n o longer fully determine population distribution (20mks)
Explain dearly the population-environment relationship (15mks)