Sociology of Education (EDU222)

Higher Technical Teacher Training College (HTTTC/ENSET)

Semester: Second Semester

Level: 300

Year: 2016

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Write on your answer paper the letter that corresponds to the most appropriate answer
from the choices given
1) Society can be either static or dynamic. This assertion was made by:
a) Karl Max b) Auguste Compte c) Emile Durkheim d) Max Weber
2) The degree to which people are tied to their social group is known as:
a) Family ties b) social relations c) societal influence d) social integration
3) The school is a micro society_ because it is:
a) smaller
a society b) a miniature society c) characteristic of a society d) all of the
4) Sociology influences: curriculum in the following respect:
a) Subject taught b) content of subject c) objectives d) not at all
5) Social factors like Socio-economic background affects learning and not teaching
a) True b) false c) maybe d) I don't know
6) An example of societal influence on learning is understanding best through:
a) Interactive activities b) memorization c) class attendance d) lectures
7) Sociology helps teachers understand individual differences in that: a) students are individuals
b) People learn differently c) students are influenced by different situations d) all of the
8) Traditional education can be said to be:
a) Experiential b) competency based. c) holistic d) all of the above
9) How does education reduce social inequality?
a) By favouring the rich b) by developing the potentials of all c) through unequal access to
schooling d) inadequate number of teachers
10) Effective class management is sociological in principle because:
a) There are many students in class b) there are guiding principles in managing groups
c) Students are rowdy d) no idea
11) A pedagogic principle borrowed from sociology is:
a) Lecturing b) laboratory work c) Horne work d) group work
12) That which "students learn in school without being taught is:
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a) Side curriculum b) ouvert curriculum c) hidden 'curriculum d) all of the above
13) An example of societal norms applied in pedagogy is the teaching of:
a) Psychomotor skills b) hobbies c) cognitive skills d) affective skins
1 4) Teachers need to be aware of students' socio-emotional problems because:
a) Many are poor b) it affects feeding c) it affects learning d) all of the above
15) Students’ background affect teaching and learning in that:
a) Poor students are dull b) rich students have books c) students from broken homes
misbehave d) parents attack the teachers
16) An example 'of social reproduction is:
a) A leaner's child going abroad b) a child taking over his father's business c) a carpenter's
child becoming an engineer d) becoming a doctor
17) Educated people experience downward mobility:
a) False b) Maybe
c) True d)
18) Some people cannot change social class because of:
a) Laziness b) poverty c) sub group cultures d) foreign cultural influences
19) The school is a social setting in that:
a) Its members have a lifelong commitment to it b)
There is no conflict c) students forget
about the school after graduation d) none of the above
20) The school must teach the value of hard work, goal-setting and leadership:
a) For students to be rich b) for current events c) for integration in the society
d) For knowledge
Give a word or expression for the following. Write the answer on your answer paper.
21) Change of social group within the same level _________________________________
22) The psycho-social atmosphere of the school_________________________________
23) The rules and regulations governing a society _______________________________
24) The control of all activities within the class__________________________________
25) Giving all children the possibility to learn ________________________________
26) The fact that teaching should be focused on students and not the teacher______________
27) Taking into consideration the needs of girls and boys_________________
28) The study of human interaction in the environment______________________________
29) The strongest in the society survives as it evolves from lower to higher forms ________
30) Social mobility across generations ________________________________________